Digital Performance – 2010

From the VRAC: Jean-François Jégo

Interactive pantomime created Dimitri Rekatchevski (mime of the Marceau school) and Jean-François Jégo
With Dimitri Rekachevski
Original screenplay: Dimitri Rekatchevski, Antonia Vasilakou
Real-time scenography and video programming: Jean-François Jégo
Creation virtual sceneries: Adrien Gentils
Video creation: Florian Girardot
Lighting: Luigi D’Aria

IAM4Mime is a live performance of mime mixing a dynamic set configuration with interactive video projection. Behind a projection screen, a mime dialogue with real, virtual objects and its interactive silhouette creating illusions between them. The creation was influenced both by two universes: that of the Mime and that of the traditional Chinese shadow theater. The concept here is to highlight the body through its silhouette using few artifacts in the background, rather colored solid areas. The pantomime is punctuated by sound compositions inspired by Gypsy music and improvisations on the piano. This spectacle of twenty minutes immerses the spectator in a confusion between reality and virtual reality.

Exhibitions (exerpt):

Performed at: Amphithéâtre IV, Université Paris 8, France le 21 june 2010
Screened at: Le Cube ART3000, Issy, sep. 2010. Carrefour de l’animation, Forum des images, Paris, 8-12 dec. 2010


– 1st price Concours Multimédia SACD 2010 giving an accreditation the SIGGRAPH 2010 conference
– Price Concourse 3D3 2010, Le Cube, Art 3000, France