Interactive Installation – 2015

From the VRAC : Jégo Jean-François, Guez Judith

Collaborative creation with Batras Dimitrios & Marie-Hélène Tramus
with the support of INREV & the Labex ART-H2H, Université paris 8


The interactive installation InterACTE propose to the spectator to freely improvise with a virtual character. The virtual actor is able to improvise and generate its gestures using a finite state machine that triggers three main behaviors according to the actor’s body posture and arm movements: the virtual actor can mime in real-time the real actor, it can propose expressive or linguistic gestures from four MoCap databases, or it can generate a new gesture using a genetic algorithm. A first installation experienced by the participants during an international art festival, shows they are able to improvise fluently with the virtual actor in a rich and expressive dialogue.

Exhibitions (exerpt):

Ars Electronica, Austria, 2015
MOCA Taipei, Taiwan, 2016
ACM MOCO, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2016