Interactive Installation – 2014

From the VRAC: Judith Guez, Guillaume Bertinet

Co-created by Judith Guez, Guillaume Bertinet, Emilie-Anna Maillet
3D modeling Adrien Gentils
Scenography Celine Diez
Music Dayan Korolic
Serigraphy Bernard Dessaut, Céline Diez, Régine Graille
Set building Laurent Beucher, Henri Démonio


Enter the imagination of Kristoffer, a 8-year old boy who questions his own relationship with the world. Let you be carried away in this half-real, half-virtual world in which a simple boy’s room transforms itself into an infinite milky way. This installation is linked with the play “Kant” from Jon Fosse (1990), a philosophical children’s tale from the “Ex voto à la Lune” company (2015).

Exhibitions (exerpt):

L-EST Scène nationale de Belfort, 2014;
CDA d’Enghien les Bains, 2014, 2015;
MAC Créteil, 2014, 2016;
Sélectionné à Révolution Laval Virtual, 2015;
Belfort, 2016;
Espace Cardin Paris, 2016